Military Modelers Club Of Louisville
IPMS Invitational Contest & Show - Sept. 28 2024

100 Out-of-The-Box, All Scales*
101 Civil, All Scales
102 1/72 Scale Single Engine Prop
103 1/72 Scale Multi-engine Prop
104 1/72 Scale Single Engine Jet
105 1/72 Scale Multi-engine Jet
106 1/48 Scale Single Engine Prop
107 1/48 Scale Multi-engine Prop
108 1/48 Scale Single Engine Jet
109 1/48 Scale Multi-engine Jet
110 Rotary/Tilt
111 1/32 Scale and Larger
112 Rigged - Bi planes, All Scales
113 UAVs, Missiles, etc
114 Vacuforms, Conversions, and Scratchbuilts

115 Airliners, All Scales
200 Out-of-The-Box, All Scales*
201 Allied Tanks to 1945
202 Axis Tanks to 1945
203 Tanks from 1946
204 APC’s, Armored Cars, & Half Tracks
205 Open Top/Full Interior/Utility Vehicles and SPA^+^
206 Towed Artillery & Anti-tank Guns
207 Soft-skins
208 1/48 scale, All Types and Eras
209 1/72 scale and smaller, All Types/Eras
210 Conversions and Scratchbuilts, All Scales
300 Historic 54mm and Smaller
301 Historic 55mm to 119mm
302 Historic 120mm and Larger
303 Fantasy, Horror & Creatures, 54mm and smaller
304 Fantasy, Horror & Creatures, larger than 54mm
305 Movies, Television, Anime & Comics: All Scales
306 Busts: All Genres
400 Out-Of-The Box, All Scales*
401 Powered Surface Vessels, 1/400 & larger
402 Powered Surface Vessels, 1/401 & smaller
403 Submarines, All Scales
404 Sailing Vessels, All Scales
405 Speed Boats, Motor Torpedo and Patrol Boats, All Scales
406 Conversions and Scratch-builts, All Scales


*Out Of the Box categories will require printed KIT INSTRUCTIONS to be included for reference with the model.

Categories above will be split as necessary. 
It is anticipated that splits will occur.  MMCL reserves the right to consolidate or split categories
as the contest head judge sees fit.
All decisions regarding splits and consolidates are final.
Our contest allows sweeps.   (i.e. a person may win more than one award per category with multiple entries in that category)

500 Out-of-The-Box, All Scales*
501 Factory Stock/Showroom/Production
502 Street Rod (1949 & Older, Street Legal)
503 Street Machine (1950 & Later, Street Legal)
504 Custom (Any Year, Mild to Wild)
505 Open Wheel Competition ( e.g. Indy)
506 Closed Wheel Competition ( e.g. Stockcar)
507 Trucks, Commercial & Emergency Vehicles
508 Competition Drag
509 Motorcycles
510 Exotics
511 Junkyard Find
512 Miscellaneous (Curbside, Slammer, Lowrider)

 Space and Sci-fi
600 Real Space, Missiles and Vehicles
601 Science Fiction and Fantasy Vehicle
602 Gundam, All Scales
603 Mecha / Space Suits, All Scales
604 Scratch-built / Converted Vehicles

700 Figure Vignette (5 figs or less, no vehicles), all Scales
701 Figure Vignette (5 figs or less, with vehicle), all Scales

800 Small Composition, All Scales
801 Large Composition, All Scales
802 Aircraft, All sizes and Scales
803 Automotive, All Scales
804 Science Fiction, All Scales

1000 All Entries Not Classified
1001 Prehistoric Creatures (Dinosaurs)
1002 Collections – 5 or More Items Of Common Theme

 Juniors (Under 16)
0.1 Aircraft
0.2 Military Vehicles
0.3 Figures
0.4 Ships
0.5 Automotive
0.6 Diorama
0.7 Miscellaneous
0.8 Sci- Fi

^+^ OPEN Hatch Armored Vehicles are NOT considered class 205 "Open Topped" for this contest.

Please use caution and do not touch, contact or handle others models.  Judges may have to slide/move models for table spacing or judging category management.

IMPORTANT:  Military Modelers Club of Louisville (MMCL) and its’ officers/members are not responsible for any loss or damage to any contest entry or display models.

Check out some of the great models we saw in 2022 as you review our Contest categories for the 2024 Invitational Show and you can now download our entry forms and a copy of the model categories.

Please note if you are not sure of the category you model should be in, please discuss with MMCL Contest Officials at registration. Listed categories on all entry forms may be changed at the discretion of MMCL Contest Staff the day of registration. All decisions are final.

VENDORS IMPORTANT:  All vendors reminding them of two things: that they are responsible for the safety and insurance of their own merchandise and equipment, and that they are responsible for the collection and payment of any sales taxes required by the state.

MMCL IPMS Invitational Show & Contest 2024 – Guidelines & Rules

 Show Hours: Saturday, September 28th 2024, 9 AM to 3:30pm

 Show Location: 395 Paroquet Springs Drive, Shepherdsville, KY 40165

 IPMS Contest Rules will be followed – A copy is available for review at the Registration Table.

 All "Back To The 80's" Theme Award entries must be declared at time of contest registration to be eligible for that category.
            (Entry forms must be marked accordingly for judging)

 Models previously winning at the National IPMS Contest level are not eligible for entry at the Regional contest. 

However, these models may be placed and shown on our display only table! 

 Please use caution and do not touch, contact or handle others models.  Judges may have to slide/move models for table spacing or judging category management.

 IMPORTANT:  Military Modelers Club of Louisville (MMCL) and it’s officers/members are not responsible for any loss or damage to any contest entry or display models.

 Thank you for your active participation and support of IPMS, Region IV and MMCL in support of this show!!!
